
Saturday, December 31, 2011


Hey Beauties,

I just want to take the time to personally wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year... May this year be a memorable one..

Thursday, December 29, 2011


This is just a brief review of the new spiral curler by CONAIR


XOXO BrittanyAlissa
Here's a haul for all the  shoeaholic's out there

Saturday, December 24, 2011


I really enjoyed this Christmas eve.. It was a night to remember, I was treated to an upscale 5 star restaurant as an early Christmas gift and  I have to say that this place was amazing.. Anyway here are some pics of my outfit of the night. I hope you all enjoy

Oh and here are a few extra pics of my wonderful meal

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hey Beauties,
I love the holiday's, especially Christmas and new years. I always felt that Christmas was the beautiful ending to a wonderful/stressful year and then in the following week we all get to start fresh with a brand new year.. Well this year I decided that it would be a great idea for my children and I to take professional pictures, to put in some Christmas cards. It was such a fun fun day. Watching my babies get all dressed up made me realize that
to be a mom is the greatest gift that any women could ever get for Christmas.

Happy Holiday's 
from our family to yours....


Hey Beauties,

Here are a few pics from my little ice skating date the other day. Hope you all enjoy

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Hey Beauties,

                               I took a long break from writing about relationships, but I'M BACK...........
It seems like taboo to assume that a relationship will last "FOREVER"  but that doesn't stop us from still hoping and dreaming for it. Boy meets girl and they fall forever in love, RIGHT?????
Mostly all of the romantic movies we watch end up the same way, and as females we start to believe that maybe our prince charming is waiting out there to wisp us away. But what happens when that LOve goes wrong? How do you pick up the pieces?? How do you move forward??
I am at a funny place in my life right now and it just so happens that a few of my close friends are also in the same boat..
                 So here is a list that I made of all the little things that may be a flashlight that HEARTBREAK is around the corner. And I also made a list of ways/things that one can do to sooth that broken heart..

                                                           FLASHLIGHT SIGNS

#1: Going on more than 3 dates and the person refuses to even pay the tip... 
This maybe a sign that the person is only with you because of what you can do for them, and there's a strong possibility that this person may not care about you the same way that you care about them. So continuing this relationship under false pretenses instead of knowing where you stand may lead to HEARTBREAK.

#2: Having someone that cares more about spending time with friends than with you......
This maybe a sign that the person you are with isn't ready to be in a committed relationship, it isn't realistic to see or be with the person your with every single day. But if you only see that person once a week then that maybe a flashlight sign that HEARTBREAK is down the road..

#3: Feeling like the things you do are never good enough............
If your ever in a situation where you feel like your being taking for granted then I would advise you to run for the hills because these situations hardly ever turn out good.... If your with someone who always tells you what your doing wrong and never acknowledges anything that you do right then this is a problem. Maybe just maybe this person isn't happy with themselves so they need to bring you down to where they are in-order for them to feel better. If you've had several talks about this specific topic; and nothing changes then HEARTBREAK MAYBE HEADED YOUR WAY...

#4: Getting back with an ex who has already broken your heart..... This one means a lot to me!!!!!!!
If you've recently broken up with an ex then you know how hard it is to stay away, actually it seems like its almost impossible. So A LOT of us chose to just go back hoping and praying that things will get better. But the truth of the matter is, that if both persons aren't ready for change then things will never turn out right.. In relationships there cant be one who's ready to change and one who feels that they don't have to. Trust me; in situations like this someone always ALWAYS gets hurt.. Don't get me wrong, in some cases this does work out!!!! But you both have to be ready to leave the past in the past and move forward with a clean slate... If you feel that your the only person who's ready to change then RUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN
Honey HEARTBREAK is knocking hard at your door.....

#5: The Romance is missing..............
Sweeties if your in a relationship that is lacking Romance & you feel that this is what you need in-order to feel loved, then LEAVE......... It's that plain and simple. You will never be happy........... You'll always be waiting for that person to change, but the truth is; if you've given that person more than 2 chances to get it together, then likely hood of them changing are slim. And as long as you hold on to hope YOU WILL GET YOUR HEARTBROKEN.

#6: Cheating.......
ENOUGH SAID... If you know that your being cheated on and you stay then i'm sorry but your a fool to keep that door open...... Once a cheater always a cheater. If you forgave them the 1st time then the 2nd time is coming right up....... HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK.......

#7: Different dreams and goals
Well this one is a bit tricky.. Because if you all are in different places it doesn't necessarily mean that your going to get hurt.. But if you all start fighting and having arguments over it then maybe its time to walk away.. Its ok to have separate dreams ( AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT HUSTLING IN THE STREETS), but when your in a relationship and the dreams are realistic then there should be some type of compromise, especially if you see yourself being with that someone for the rest of your life...  Now if that person isn't taking into consideration that your dreams matter too then reach out for the handle on that door and walk away. Because you just might end up with your HEARTBROKEN....

                                                    I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST

#8: CHILDREN................................................
If you are a parent and the person your with does not except your children then THEY HAVE TO GO
As a parent dating can be a little tricky.. Not everyone is ready for parenthood, but when you chose to start dating you have to make sure that the person you trying to build a relationship with is suitable to be around your children..And what also makes this tricky is the fact that things maybe good in the beginning and may turn around for the worst. Now your child/children are attached to this individual and their feelings now are also on the line.. So If you choose to be with someone who doesn't except YOU for being a parent, and you stay anyway. Then you & the little ones will probably end up with your HEART'sBROKEN

                                                 MY LIST FOR SOOTHING A BROKEN

#1: Hold your pillow tight and cry.. Yes I said CRY...... It's ok to feel hurt and its ok to shed some tears over it. We are only human so this is to be expected...

#2: After your breakup take some time to get to know "YOU" again.. Start doing things that make you happy

#3: Stay busy... As long as you preoccupied, then you don't have time to think about everything that

#4: Take a warm bath with some candles near by. THIS ALWAYS HELPS FOR ME

#5: Call some friends over, and even if they can't come over at least you get to speak to some who's close to you...
                                                      AND IF ALL ELSE FAILS
Just simply keep in mind that "TIME HEALS ALL WOUND"  and things will get better..........
I hope you all found this helpful...
                                                                                                                       XOXO BrittanyAlissa

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Net weave with middle part

Hey Beauties,
So my sister is getting ready to take her senior pictures and she asked me to sew in a full head weave, so i did a technique that I've grown to love and that is to sew the weave on to a net. Her hair came out just the way she wanted and I'm happy that I could help contribute to such an important time in her life.  Anyhoo here is the video from beginning to end. Enjoy Beauties. XOXO BrittanyAlissa

Friday, November 25, 2011


Hey Beauties,
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday, there is nothing like being able to spend time with the ones you love. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to spend everyday with family and friends. But I know the holiday's are definitely the time that people reconnect...

Here are a few pics of my family and friends, I hope you all enjoy.
                                                                                                 XOXO BrittanyAlissa.............

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

TWILIGHT Breaking Dawn Pt1

Hey Beauties,

So last Friday was such a wonderful night, for those of you who are Twihard fans know why. It has been a whole year since the last Twilight movie and boy of boy was this day highly anticipated. Anyhoo for those of you who didn't see the movie, I would advise you all to do so...This one was by far the greatest one to date..... Anyway here is a few pics of my movie night outfit.. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday Night Outfit

As usual I went out this past Friday night, but instead of the usual Lounge I decided to switch it up and go bowling........ I had a blast, there's nothing like being able to let your hair down and have some fun..
I think I was the only person in the entire bowling alley wearing heels.. LOL
Anyhoo I hope you all enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hey Beauties,
                      There's a topic on my mind that needs to be addressed before I go to bed....
The topic is knowing when to walk away from a failed relationship...........

                                 You Beauties hear me preach on a regular basis on how to make your significant other happy and how to spice up your relationships, but what do you do when there is nothing left to spice up?
I know from my own experience that I didn't realize that it was over until my heart was completely broken and I was left with nothing but my tears, but there has to be a better way RIGHT? There has to be a way to be able to pin point when it's officially time to walk away before your heart is broken into a million pieces.
I sat and thought about this question for days and I came up with 10 tips that may help to determine if you are in a failing relationship.....

TIP 1- You start arguing over the little things that make absolutely no sense
TIP 2- The sex becomes none existent
TIP 3- You guys don't sleep in the same room anymore
TIP 4- The trust is completely gone
TIP 5- You start blaming yourself for everything that's going wrong
TIP 6- You stay only because you feel you can't do any better
TIP 7- You can't find one reason why you and this person should be together
TIP 8- Tears become apart of your ever day life
TIP 9- Physical/emotion abuse is within that relationship
TIP 10- You love that person more than you do yourself......( You should never love anyone more than yourself, because if you don't love "You" then how can you expect anyone else to )............

XOXO BrittanyAlissa

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hello Beauties,
                    So me being the hopeless romantic that I am I decided to share with you all an intimate dinner that I had the other night..... I post and post AND POST about preparing dinner with or for your significant others and this is me leading by example..
Instead of going out in this cold frigid weather how about staying in with the candles lite and the soft r&b playing. The most intimate times are the ones spent gazing into each others eyes. (MY PERSONAL OPINION)

Yummy........ I just love Chicken Penne
But what I love more is getting to eat it with the person I love!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hey Beauties,
             Today is my 1st day doing an actual video for my OOTD I hope you all enjoy it, And there will be many more OOTD videos to come..............
                                                                      XOXO BrittanyAlissa

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Hey Beauties,
                      So this post is something that was on my mind and I felt that If I didn't address it my head would explode............. For anyone who knows me personally, they know that I am a hopeless romantic. I live, eat sleep, and breathe romance..... Some would say that I live in a fairytale book! lol
             Now with that being said there are those selected few people out there in the world who are just like me and then there are those who can do without the hoopla of romance, and honestly there's nothing wrong with being on either end of the spectrum.. The problem begins when you are on either side and then you meet that person who is your total opposite its like NOW WHAT?????????????
How can you show your appreciation when you've never experienced romance? And how can you deal if you've experienced romance and now your with someone who doesn't have a romantic gene in their body? The saying opposites attract is a true statement, but you must understand that when you meet your opposite it's not 100% that you can deal with their ways.........
I've been in a relationship where the guy I was seeing had no idea what to do with all the romance I was giving and honestly it caused a rift in our relationship........... I felt unappreciated and he had no idea how to show appreciation for something that he had NEVER experienced........BIG HUGE ISSUE
                                                      NOW IT GETS INTERESTING

Most people envision what they want there lives to be. Whether it be THE PERFECT MAN/WOMEN, A FAMILY, A CAREER, OR A LIFE OF BEING SINGLE, we all dream dreams................. QUESTION :Now what do you do when you find the person who is everything you've been looking for????????????
If you ask this question to about 50 people i'm quite sure that about 45 of them will give you the same answer...
                             ANSWER : I WILL LOVE AND APPRECIATE THAT PERSON and
So many people out here swear that they are 100% certain on what they want out of life but when you hand it to them on a silver platter they let it slip away. That's when we are stuck with the harsh reality of losing something that was great and facing the logic of NOT KNOWING WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL IT'S GONE! Why must we lose something great to realize that what we had was great in the 1st place????
                         Women : If you have a man who is willing to accept you on your good days, bad hair days, that time of the month, and all those other moody times that women go threw. And to put the icing on the cake he buys you flowers, cooks you dinner, gives massages and helps you out financially .......Then why not realize it,except it and make sure we keep him!
                         Men : If you have a women who is well rounded, excepts you for all the silly things men tend to do, she cooks for you, does your laundry, is romantic, gets along with you family, financially stable and loves you for exactly who you are...... Then why not realize it, except it, and make sure you hold on to her....

PEOPLE tend to pin point one thing that isn't right with a person, acknowledging it as a deal breaker and overlooking the fact the HE OR SHE still has other qualities to consider....... Then most of us go searching for someone else who doesn't have that "PROBLEM" and then we end up running into a whole nother issue.....
                                                     THE ART OF RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe instead of over analyzing this "person" we should just look at the person for who they really are... There is absolutely no such thing as a perfect person and the sooner we realize this the better. 
I know that I've been on that short end of the stick where I was stuck having to repeat those dreadful words of "I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I HAD UNTIL IT WAS TO LATE" and I honestly want to avoid having to repeat them again......
So Beauties, Guys and Girls be appreciative of what you have and i'm sure you and that person will go far....
                          KNOW WHAT AND WHO YOU HAVE BEFORE IT'S TO LATE
Because we don't always get a second chance...........
                                                                                              XOXO BrittanyAlissa


Here is the video as promised


Black and white v neck jumper

With Kiss me choker
 gold and black ban gals........

And my favorite Leopard print pumps...........
I really enjoyed myself this weekend and I can't wait to do it all again next "FRIDAY NIGHT"
                                                                                                                 XOXO BrittanyAlissa


My bestfriend was a bit of a tomboy, so I decided to give her a little diva make over..... She with so happy with the way that everything turned out that I officially think she has converted into the DIVA world...... LOL The video of how I transformed her will be posted later today.............

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Olive oil's Edge Control

So It's been a week since I did my hair and as promised here is a one week update on the Olive oil's Edge control hair gel...........
I really like this product, ALLLOOOOOTTTTTTT! Being that I wear weave often its very hard to keep my edges looking up to par so I did some homework and came across this this product. I seen that it was popular in a lot of the hair magazines so I decided to go ahead and give it a try......
                                                                I am 100% satisfied.......

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hello Beauties,
                I am so very very excited to state that I will be taking my modeling to the next level.. This basically means more photo shoots, more trips and lots and lots of pics..... I recently found a manager who has enough faith in me to get me to where I need to be. My goal is to be on the cover of a tattoo magazine where I feel I can let my true self show............ I wont stop till I'm at the top!
                          REACH FOR THE MOON AND LAND ON THE STARS!
                                                                                                                        XOXO BittanyAlissa

Saturday, October 15, 2011


All dressed upGetting ready to go out..

There's nothing like being able to spend

quality time with your friends 

I had an amazing time with O..........

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall is the time for SWEATERS

Fall is here Beauties,
This season is all about sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters.......... If you haven't done your fall/winter shopping yet I would highly advise you all to do so! I just purchased a whole bunch of cool sweaters myself and I just love to accent my sweaters with belts, and accessories. So it doesn't matter if the sweater is Blue, Green, Purple or Orange, I need a belt and accessory that will compliment it..... I definitely can't wait to get all dressed up so I can start my Fall outfit's of the day I hope you Beauties are ready!!!!!!!!

                                                   Anyhoo here is a sweater poncho I bought from the mall and it is so soft and comfortable... I hope you all enjoy the pics, and I would love to hear what you think of my sweater.....
                                                                   XOXO BrittanyAlissa