Hey Beauties,
Life has happened and yet again I have neglected the one place that allows all else to fade away. With marriage and children sometimes it becomes hard to get a moment to myself and that means my moments for writing never come. So now that I got that stuff off my chest I can get to what this post is truly about...................................😃
In a world filled with chaos we must always make time for love, time for joy, and moments of pure utter happiness. And if you are a true AAB1on1 reader then you know that Love and Romance are some of the things that I hold near and dear to my heart. So I'm going to do you all a favor and share 5 things for men and 5 for women that are sure to remind your significant others that they are important and allow you the ability to put and keep a smile on their faces. Thank Me Later
5 Things That Are Sure To Make A Woman Smile
#1. Bubble baths are a woman's best friend. I don't care if she's a stay at home mom or works a 9-5. Every woman needs a de-stresser. It is not only a free gesture, but a romantic one as well.
#2. Massages are a nice simple way to say "hey baby I know you've had a long day" without actually uttering the words. I haven't met a women yet who can't or doesn't enjoy a massage.
#3. A surprise dinner at home can definitely put a smile on your S.O's face. Theres nothing like having a man cook for you, or going through the trouble of pretending. It is both romantic and endearing.
#4. Flowers, Cards & Candy are always sure ways to make a woman smile. But in 2016 we have to be a little innovative. How about writing a hand written letter/note or learning how to make a sweet treat from scratch. (Just a thought) either way your efforts will likely be appreciated.
#5. Allow her to vent. Sometimes in relationships we feel that if we say to much our partners will be turned off and won't bother listening. Well I don't know a woman who isn't a chatter box. Therefore she may just want to get some things off her chest that may have absolutely nothing to do with you. So just listen! And even if it is about you, talking to out may make the world of difference.
5 Things That Are Sure To Make A Guy Smile
#1. Ok so this may be repetitive but "Bubble baths" also make men smile. Women sometimes forget that men need a little love and affection too. After a long day at the office or working that hard strenuous job, he might need a bath to help him settle down. I am a strong believer in reciprocation. It is so very important.
#2. Pedicures.. Yup I said it. Get a bucket from around the house (everyone should have one) of your pedicure machine and allow your man to soak his feet. Then clip his toe nails, polish with clear polish, and give him the best foot massage your little hands can muster up.. Guys love to be pampered. And this is a great way to do just that.
#3. Get on your hands and knees and give him a B.J.. Even if he's not a big fan of this, the surprise factor will definitely make him smile.. ( Women it doesn't have to be a holiday for you to slob on him a little bit) 😒 YES Im talking to you!!
#4. Make his favorite meal.. UMM this one should be no brainer but some of you ladies have lost sight of it. The best way to a mans heart is through his stomach but when you get wrapped up in the routine of everyday life, food and dishes become repetitive. So look online, and find something new or make his favorite steak and potatoes.. Then serve him you for desert!! (You'll Thank me later)
#5. ASK HIM WHAT HE WANTS..... Oh so I bet none of you seen this one coming... As women we FORGET that most of our guys will tell us what will put a smile on their faces. All we have to do is ask! Theres nothing wrong with giving in to 100% of his needs every now and then. Because I'll be honest, sometimes they don't want to hear our rants, and would much rather sit in front of sports center.. The problem is that they feel they will hurt our feelings if they're honest about it. "Hey Honey what can I do to service you, to help you unwind, to help you smile today?" Try it and see if you don't get the biggest smile...
One important thing about this post is that all the things are FREE!
This is because love shouldn't come with a price tag!
Of course trinkets and gifts are great too, but it shouldn't be about just that.. What if you don't have the funds? Trust me its about the small things..
I hope you all found this post helpful.....
XOXO BrittanyAlissa
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Hi Beauties,
So I've recently had the pleasure of working with Swim Classy which is a company that promotes positivity and the love yourself movement which I feel all women and people alike should stand by. I am a mom 3 beautiful children and I've spent a period of time were I haven't felt my sexist most confident self. With having had 4 C-Sections my skin wasn't and isn't perfect by any means and at times it has left me self conscious and feeling down about myself. Spending nights crying wasn't beneficial at all so I knew that I had to come up with a plan. After the birth of my last child I got diagnosed with Hypertention and before starting me on medication the Dr. decided that I would be a good candidate for the the "Dash Diet". I had never heard of such a thing and wasn't sure if I would be able to commit to something that was such a drastic change from my everyday life. Knowing that I was already uncomfortable with my imagine I figured it wouldn't hurt to give this diet a try. I started making healthier food choices and incorporated yoga and exercise for mental and physical overall health. It was difficult but with dedication and 100% commitment I was able to do it. I am no longer suffering from Hypertension and my body has changed in a great way. I still don't have abs and I probably never will but I am comfortable in my own skin and to me that's all that matters. I've always wanted my daughter to think of me as a woman she could look up to and now I can officially say that I am that person. I'm not perfect and neither is my body. But I am happy with the changes I've made. Love yourself NO matter what. And if you aren't comfortable with yourself try to find a way to get there, the ball is in your court.
So I've recently had the pleasure of working with Swim Classy which is a company that promotes positivity and the love yourself movement which I feel all women and people alike should stand by. I am a mom 3 beautiful children and I've spent a period of time were I haven't felt my sexist most confident self. With having had 4 C-Sections my skin wasn't and isn't perfect by any means and at times it has left me self conscious and feeling down about myself. Spending nights crying wasn't beneficial at all so I knew that I had to come up with a plan. After the birth of my last child I got diagnosed with Hypertention and before starting me on medication the Dr. decided that I would be a good candidate for the the "Dash Diet". I had never heard of such a thing and wasn't sure if I would be able to commit to something that was such a drastic change from my everyday life. Knowing that I was already uncomfortable with my imagine I figured it wouldn't hurt to give this diet a try. I started making healthier food choices and incorporated yoga and exercise for mental and physical overall health. It was difficult but with dedication and 100% commitment I was able to do it. I am no longer suffering from Hypertension and my body has changed in a great way. I still don't have abs and I probably never will but I am comfortable in my own skin and to me that's all that matters. I've always wanted my daughter to think of me as a woman she could look up to and now I can officially say that I am that person. I'm not perfect and neither is my body. But I am happy with the changes I've made. Love yourself NO matter what. And if you aren't comfortable with yourself try to find a way to get there, the ball is in your court.
I hope this touches someone and motivates them to Love themselves no matter what. And to make changes with the things they are uncomfortable with. XOXO BrittanyAlissa
Monday, August 8, 2016
Hello My Beauties,
I just wanted to inform you all that in edition to all of the All About Beauty 1on1 work I do, I decided to start a Vlog channel with my family called Life With Brittany And Donnell. I am so excited about it and the children love being apart of such a wonderful journey. It's like making memories that we will always be able to look back on. I will post one of our videos below and I truly hope you all enjoy watching..
XOXO BrittanyAlissa
I just wanted to inform you all that in edition to all of the All About Beauty 1on1 work I do, I decided to start a Vlog channel with my family called Life With Brittany And Donnell. I am so excited about it and the children love being apart of such a wonderful journey. It's like making memories that we will always be able to look back on. I will post one of our videos below and I truly hope you all enjoy watching..
XOXO BrittanyAlissa
Friday, July 15, 2016
Black Lives Matter- All Lives Matter
Hello Beauties, Men, Children. Hello ALL
It's VERY rare that I find myself inclined to speak about the world around us because I truly don't feel that my voice can make a difference. But at this point I can't sleep from all of the recent events that have been taking place so I came here to share my thoughts.
I have seen people get crucified for Hashtaging "ALL LIVES MATTER" because of the BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT but lets be realistic people all around the world people are getting killed for one reason or another.
The victims of 911 MATTER
The LGBT victims in Orlando MATTER
Muslims lives MATTER
Black peoples lives MATTER
Black youth killing other youth MATTER
Individuals being killed for World Star Hip Hops recognition MATTER
The victims in Paris MATTER
The victims in Kenya MATTER
and now NICE......
As individuals we all have a voice and we all have an opinion, but NO ONE deserves to die at the hands of another. NO ONE deserves to sit at home wondering if their loved one will return. But unfortunately this is the world that we live in. This is the fear that the worlds events has plagued on our hearts and lives.
I am a mother to 3 Beautiful BLACK children. 2 of which are boys. But does gender even matter anymore? I have a caucasian niece and hispanic relatives, does that matter anymore? If you happen to take a trip overseas and a tragedy occurs does it matter that your skin was black, purple, blue or green? Or does it only matter that you happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I will not hashtag anything on my social media because I feel that it is pointless. It is pointless because I am tired of seeing death! I am tired of waking up and going to sleep to acts of terrorism, to robberies, to rapes, to murders, and to FEAR!
Can I say that I am not fearful of being BLACK? NO
Because I am fearful to just be alive and "black" is included in that.. But it doesn't matter my race, it doesn't matter that I am an educated woman, it doesn't matter that I am a mother, that I speak proper english, that I moved my children, my family from certain areas, that I don't have a criminal record. What matters is that at any given point for any given reason my life can be taken at the hands of someone else... BY ANYONE!
Right now Rihanna is in NICE and an act of terrorism just occurred. Do you think that her life will be forever changed? Ummm YES
Hello wake up people!
She went some place just to perform her music and now sits waiting just to find out if she will be able to catch a flight back to her friends and family. Point being that we truly aren't safe anywhere!
I wish that instead of hashtaging "BLACK LIVES MATTER we would hashtag STOP THE VIOLENCE AROUND THE WORLD. Or better yet "OUR" lives matter. Because the person typing that in their phones, on their computers or on their iPads MATTER.
I can't sleep because every single day something else is going wrong. I can't sleep because tomorrow another man will be without money and feel the need to rob, because another gangbanger will initiate another person to join, because another woman will kill her children or husband, because another man with commit an act of rage to his spouse, because people are in the streets homeless, because another state will be without water, because children in Africa will still be starving, because MY CHILDREN will still have to worry about what other parents teach their children and allow their children to bring to school.
The world around us is crumbling and its at the hand of "US"
Because each of us has a role to play in whats going on.. Just look in the mirror!
NO you can't control anyone else, but if that person controls themselves then we have a start.
In closing, do you truly think that all of the families having to burry their children, spouse or relative around the world care what hashtag is up today? Or do you think they just want all violence to stop? PERIOD?
We are the answer, we have the voice. STOP THE HEINOUS ACTS, STOP THE VIOLENCE!
It's VERY rare that I find myself inclined to speak about the world around us because I truly don't feel that my voice can make a difference. But at this point I can't sleep from all of the recent events that have been taking place so I came here to share my thoughts.
I have seen people get crucified for Hashtaging "ALL LIVES MATTER" because of the BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT but lets be realistic people all around the world people are getting killed for one reason or another.
The victims of 911 MATTER
Muslims lives MATTER
Black peoples lives MATTER
Black youth killing other youth MATTER
Individuals being killed for World Star Hip Hops recognition MATTER
The victims in Paris MATTER
The victims in Kenya MATTER
and now NICE......
As individuals we all have a voice and we all have an opinion, but NO ONE deserves to die at the hands of another. NO ONE deserves to sit at home wondering if their loved one will return. But unfortunately this is the world that we live in. This is the fear that the worlds events has plagued on our hearts and lives.
I am a mother to 3 Beautiful BLACK children. 2 of which are boys. But does gender even matter anymore? I have a caucasian niece and hispanic relatives, does that matter anymore? If you happen to take a trip overseas and a tragedy occurs does it matter that your skin was black, purple, blue or green? Or does it only matter that you happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I will not hashtag anything on my social media because I feel that it is pointless. It is pointless because I am tired of seeing death! I am tired of waking up and going to sleep to acts of terrorism, to robberies, to rapes, to murders, and to FEAR!
Can I say that I am not fearful of being BLACK? NO
Because I am fearful to just be alive and "black" is included in that.. But it doesn't matter my race, it doesn't matter that I am an educated woman, it doesn't matter that I am a mother, that I speak proper english, that I moved my children, my family from certain areas, that I don't have a criminal record. What matters is that at any given point for any given reason my life can be taken at the hands of someone else... BY ANYONE!
Right now Rihanna is in NICE and an act of terrorism just occurred. Do you think that her life will be forever changed? Ummm YES
Hello wake up people!
She went some place just to perform her music and now sits waiting just to find out if she will be able to catch a flight back to her friends and family. Point being that we truly aren't safe anywhere!
I wish that instead of hashtaging "BLACK LIVES MATTER we would hashtag STOP THE VIOLENCE AROUND THE WORLD. Or better yet "OUR" lives matter. Because the person typing that in their phones, on their computers or on their iPads MATTER.
I can't sleep because every single day something else is going wrong. I can't sleep because tomorrow another man will be without money and feel the need to rob, because another gangbanger will initiate another person to join, because another woman will kill her children or husband, because another man with commit an act of rage to his spouse, because people are in the streets homeless, because another state will be without water, because children in Africa will still be starving, because MY CHILDREN will still have to worry about what other parents teach their children and allow their children to bring to school.
The world around us is crumbling and its at the hand of "US"
Because each of us has a role to play in whats going on.. Just look in the mirror!
NO you can't control anyone else, but if that person controls themselves then we have a start.
In closing, do you truly think that all of the families having to burry their children, spouse or relative around the world care what hashtag is up today? Or do you think they just want all violence to stop? PERIOD?
We are the answer, we have the voice. STOP THE HEINOUS ACTS, STOP THE VIOLENCE!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The Broken Hearted Wife - A Tale By BrittanyAlissa
Hello Beauties,
I never do fictional stories but today I was inspired to. Sometimes my imagination gets away from me and I decided to just share what I will be working on in the future.
This Tale is titled - The Broken Hearted Wife
As she awaited her upcoming nuptials Brittany sat and questioned if she was making the right decision, as a phone call from her ex came through on the house phone, she was reminded that just not long ago she had vowed never to remarry but to stay true to only her self.
The screaming could be heard from miles away as Brittany and her ex argued about the fact that she had been pregnant by a man she hardly even knew. To her she felt that she was destined to live her fairytale life, but to those around her she was getting ready to embark on one of the worse mistakes of her life.
As Brittany sat in the mirror and did her makeup, she cried a silent cry and just prayed to Jehovah that he would lead her down the path of righteousness. And with that prayer she headed to the park to say her vows.
No one expected the day to be so beautiful. With the sun shinning and the warm weather, no one would have ever guessed it was October. Brittany had never felt so loved, so beautiful, so Happy.
Little did she know that all of that was soon about to end.
In the month of December as she prepared her husbands birthday meal, a message came through on a social media site that read
Before she could even respond the person had deleted their profile. To her surprise she stayed rather calm and continued to cook dinner before her husband returned from his long day at work. But something just didn't feel right.....
Bling Bling, that was the sound of the phone as her patience grew thin and her mind started to race. As her husband answered the phone Brittany asked him if he had cheated and if he had any other children that she needed to worry about.
His answer came as a complete surprise when he has informed her that he had been unfaithful and his infidelity had possibly lead to the pregnancy of his mistress.
With tears falling from her eyes Brittany realized that her fairytale had come to a complete halt.
After only one week of learning that the life she was living was a complete lie, Brittany sat in her 1st therapy session and heard her husband say the words that no woman wants to hear
"I want a divorce"!
She just couldn't understand how she was the one hearing those words when she had sone nothing wrong. The therapist decided to do her job and ask why as Brittany sat hysterically crying her eyes out.
His answer shocked everyone in the room including the wall paper
"She won't stop crying, she's being overly emotional, who wants to deal with that?
The therapist then made a statement that "he had made his own bed and he needed to lay in it". And he responded by saying that "He didn't have to lay in the bed of crap". He was over his marriage and he felt that just because he had cheated and hurt her, didn't mean that he had to stay and clean up the mess which were her tears.
As Brittany sat with tears in her eyes she begged him not to leave her, not to give up on their marriage, instead of her seeing the situation for what it was she decided to "STOP CRYING" and pretend like it never even happened despite the hurt and pain, despite the fact that she was mislead, and despite the fact that HE had been the one who did wrong.
That was a the 1st time she neglected her emotions but not the last.
After the truth had came out about the other woman Brittany sat in fear everyday that her cheating husband would leave her alone in the pregnancy. She only cried in the shower and decided that even after finding out about 3 other woman that she would still lie in bed with her husband and give him sex just so he didn't seek it elsewhere.
Her self esteem was tarnished and her pride was lost. She had told herself that if this is what it took to have a "happy" marriage then this is what she would do.
Every night she got down on her knees and prayed to Jehovah to release her pain, to open her husbands heart to loving her the way she thought he did in the beginning. But prayer didn't stop her from crying, it didn't stop her from feeling like the man she loved, didn't love her in return.
5 months passed and as her belly grew so did the realization that she did not know who she married.
Late one afternoon a message came through on her husbands phone from a hacker from the Ashley Madison scandal. They were threatening to expose her husband cheating ways, his nude pictures and all the other correspondence between him and other women.
Once again Brittany was blindsided.
She had asked him about the site months prior when the scandal 1st took place but he had only admitted to signing up.
Once he was hacked he had no choice but to tell the truth. NO he hadn't cheated during their marriage on there but his past was haunting him.
Brittany asked him why would he go trolling for married women if he were single and his response was that he was just into dating no matter where the woman came from.
Can you imaging how hurt she was? Can you imagine how confused a person had to be to had pandoras box open to such secrets? Well it didn't end there. After she had believed her husband and decided to yet again look past it for the sake of their child together, she received a phone call a month later from her best friend.
Brittany did you see this social media post?
No I didn't
whats is going on?
Brittany I think you should take a look.
Moments later a message came through on her phone with a link to the account.
It was a complete page dedicated to her husbands genitalia.
The page was slanderous and a down right disgrace to what was left of her marriage.
The page stated that he had been currently cheated and the page was an attack on how much of a sham their entire marriage had been. Between the pictures, the post and the comments Brittany found her self yet again in another scandal.
She cried on the phone to her friend asking why she had to be in this type of situation again.
She tried to talk to her husband but that was only met with denial, it was only met with him once again telling her that he wanted out of the marriage.
She couldn't understand why he was always so quick to leave when she had done nothing wrong.
But thats what happens when someone has control. They start to make you look at yourself wrong instead of looking at the facts as the facts.
On a regular basis her husband told her that she was a bad mother, horrible wife and that she just wasn't the right fit for him. But each and every time he would come up with something new about how she was so imperfect, she came back with ways on how she could fix it.
If he didn't like her hair, she changed it,
her makeup, she wore less,
he outfit choices, she dressed like a nun,
he says she's crazy, she's in therapy trying to get sane.
But none of that every mattered. No matter how much she tried he always came back with something else that he was unhappy with.
Brittany lived a life where everyone around her thought she was happy because thats all she ever wanted to be. If she could fool everyone around her then maybe her situation wasn't all that bad. But the reality of it was that it was that bad.
Her husband told her that she talked to much, that the way she communicated was wrong, and that no matter how angry she got she should't thrown things or every talk to him with profanity unless he would chose to ignore her.
She had become a robot. Afraid of saying anything wrong because she was in constant fear that he would leave. But what was she really holding on to?
It was clear that he didn't want to be there. It was clear that whatever love was there before they married, died was the cheating truth came out.
One night Brittany decided to be playful with her husband.
She put on a baby voice and poked around saying things like baby give me love, kiss me, hold me, love me. But her husband declined. She then decided to do her makeup and get all dressed up just to get his attention. Again another failed attempt.
As tears fell down her eyes, she begged him just to tell her he loved her, to touch her, to lead her into the bedroom and tell her that everything would be ok even if it wouldn't.
He looked at her and told her no.
As she laid on the floor with tear filled eyes and her clothes stained with makeup he turned up the TV and began to laugh at the program that was on.
How could one be so stupid? How could she stay with someone who clearly hated her?
But she stayed.
He told her the bubble baths wouldn't make her happy so he never ran them,
flowers wouldn't solve their problems so he only bought them on birthdays,
sex wasn't that important so he withheld it from her.
Each time she came with a different solution to how their marriage could get better he told her that he had tried everything he could try and that it was best they go their separate ways.
How could he not love her, why was loving her so hard.
Wasn't marriage suppose to be work?
Willing to do whatever it took to have him as an active father in their child's life she stayed, even if that meant being ignored and knowing that if she cried he was sure to ignore her.
She lost her self. She was dead inside. She had married a man who picked her apart with no desire to change.
He would look at her and make statements like "I'm here" so i am working.
She would suggest therapy and he would tell her that he didn't need it, she suggested prayer and he would decline.
If God wasn't in there home how as it ever going to work?
I truly hope you all enjoyed the beginning of my novel.. I will be posting more as the days go by...
I never do fictional stories but today I was inspired to. Sometimes my imagination gets away from me and I decided to just share what I will be working on in the future.
This Tale is titled - The Broken Hearted Wife
As she awaited her upcoming nuptials Brittany sat and questioned if she was making the right decision, as a phone call from her ex came through on the house phone, she was reminded that just not long ago she had vowed never to remarry but to stay true to only her self.
The screaming could be heard from miles away as Brittany and her ex argued about the fact that she had been pregnant by a man she hardly even knew. To her she felt that she was destined to live her fairytale life, but to those around her she was getting ready to embark on one of the worse mistakes of her life.
As Brittany sat in the mirror and did her makeup, she cried a silent cry and just prayed to Jehovah that he would lead her down the path of righteousness. And with that prayer she headed to the park to say her vows.
No one expected the day to be so beautiful. With the sun shinning and the warm weather, no one would have ever guessed it was October. Brittany had never felt so loved, so beautiful, so Happy.
Little did she know that all of that was soon about to end.
In the month of December as she prepared her husbands birthday meal, a message came through on a social media site that read
Before she could even respond the person had deleted their profile. To her surprise she stayed rather calm and continued to cook dinner before her husband returned from his long day at work. But something just didn't feel right.....
Bling Bling, that was the sound of the phone as her patience grew thin and her mind started to race. As her husband answered the phone Brittany asked him if he had cheated and if he had any other children that she needed to worry about.
His answer came as a complete surprise when he has informed her that he had been unfaithful and his infidelity had possibly lead to the pregnancy of his mistress.
With tears falling from her eyes Brittany realized that her fairytale had come to a complete halt.
After only one week of learning that the life she was living was a complete lie, Brittany sat in her 1st therapy session and heard her husband say the words that no woman wants to hear
"I want a divorce"!
She just couldn't understand how she was the one hearing those words when she had sone nothing wrong. The therapist decided to do her job and ask why as Brittany sat hysterically crying her eyes out.
His answer shocked everyone in the room including the wall paper
"She won't stop crying, she's being overly emotional, who wants to deal with that?
The therapist then made a statement that "he had made his own bed and he needed to lay in it". And he responded by saying that "He didn't have to lay in the bed of crap". He was over his marriage and he felt that just because he had cheated and hurt her, didn't mean that he had to stay and clean up the mess which were her tears.
As Brittany sat with tears in her eyes she begged him not to leave her, not to give up on their marriage, instead of her seeing the situation for what it was she decided to "STOP CRYING" and pretend like it never even happened despite the hurt and pain, despite the fact that she was mislead, and despite the fact that HE had been the one who did wrong.
That was a the 1st time she neglected her emotions but not the last.
After the truth had came out about the other woman Brittany sat in fear everyday that her cheating husband would leave her alone in the pregnancy. She only cried in the shower and decided that even after finding out about 3 other woman that she would still lie in bed with her husband and give him sex just so he didn't seek it elsewhere.
Her self esteem was tarnished and her pride was lost. She had told herself that if this is what it took to have a "happy" marriage then this is what she would do.
Every night she got down on her knees and prayed to Jehovah to release her pain, to open her husbands heart to loving her the way she thought he did in the beginning. But prayer didn't stop her from crying, it didn't stop her from feeling like the man she loved, didn't love her in return.
5 months passed and as her belly grew so did the realization that she did not know who she married.
Late one afternoon a message came through on her husbands phone from a hacker from the Ashley Madison scandal. They were threatening to expose her husband cheating ways, his nude pictures and all the other correspondence between him and other women.
Once again Brittany was blindsided.
She had asked him about the site months prior when the scandal 1st took place but he had only admitted to signing up.
Once he was hacked he had no choice but to tell the truth. NO he hadn't cheated during their marriage on there but his past was haunting him.
Brittany asked him why would he go trolling for married women if he were single and his response was that he was just into dating no matter where the woman came from.
Can you imaging how hurt she was? Can you imagine how confused a person had to be to had pandoras box open to such secrets? Well it didn't end there. After she had believed her husband and decided to yet again look past it for the sake of their child together, she received a phone call a month later from her best friend.
Brittany did you see this social media post?
No I didn't
whats is going on?
Brittany I think you should take a look.
Moments later a message came through on her phone with a link to the account.
It was a complete page dedicated to her husbands genitalia.
The page was slanderous and a down right disgrace to what was left of her marriage.
The page stated that he had been currently cheated and the page was an attack on how much of a sham their entire marriage had been. Between the pictures, the post and the comments Brittany found her self yet again in another scandal.
She cried on the phone to her friend asking why she had to be in this type of situation again.
She tried to talk to her husband but that was only met with denial, it was only met with him once again telling her that he wanted out of the marriage.
She couldn't understand why he was always so quick to leave when she had done nothing wrong.
But thats what happens when someone has control. They start to make you look at yourself wrong instead of looking at the facts as the facts.
On a regular basis her husband told her that she was a bad mother, horrible wife and that she just wasn't the right fit for him. But each and every time he would come up with something new about how she was so imperfect, she came back with ways on how she could fix it.
If he didn't like her hair, she changed it,
her makeup, she wore less,
he outfit choices, she dressed like a nun,
he says she's crazy, she's in therapy trying to get sane.
But none of that every mattered. No matter how much she tried he always came back with something else that he was unhappy with.
Brittany lived a life where everyone around her thought she was happy because thats all she ever wanted to be. If she could fool everyone around her then maybe her situation wasn't all that bad. But the reality of it was that it was that bad.
Her husband told her that she talked to much, that the way she communicated was wrong, and that no matter how angry she got she should't thrown things or every talk to him with profanity unless he would chose to ignore her.
She had become a robot. Afraid of saying anything wrong because she was in constant fear that he would leave. But what was she really holding on to?
It was clear that he didn't want to be there. It was clear that whatever love was there before they married, died was the cheating truth came out.
One night Brittany decided to be playful with her husband.
She put on a baby voice and poked around saying things like baby give me love, kiss me, hold me, love me. But her husband declined. She then decided to do her makeup and get all dressed up just to get his attention. Again another failed attempt.
As tears fell down her eyes, she begged him just to tell her he loved her, to touch her, to lead her into the bedroom and tell her that everything would be ok even if it wouldn't.
He looked at her and told her no.
As she laid on the floor with tear filled eyes and her clothes stained with makeup he turned up the TV and began to laugh at the program that was on.
How could one be so stupid? How could she stay with someone who clearly hated her?
But she stayed.
He told her the bubble baths wouldn't make her happy so he never ran them,
flowers wouldn't solve their problems so he only bought them on birthdays,
sex wasn't that important so he withheld it from her.
Each time she came with a different solution to how their marriage could get better he told her that he had tried everything he could try and that it was best they go their separate ways.
How could he not love her, why was loving her so hard.
Wasn't marriage suppose to be work?
Willing to do whatever it took to have him as an active father in their child's life she stayed, even if that meant being ignored and knowing that if she cried he was sure to ignore her.
She lost her self. She was dead inside. She had married a man who picked her apart with no desire to change.
He would look at her and make statements like "I'm here" so i am working.
She would suggest therapy and he would tell her that he didn't need it, she suggested prayer and he would decline.
If God wasn't in there home how as it ever going to work?
I truly hope you all enjoyed the beginning of my novel.. I will be posting more as the days go by...
Friday, June 3, 2016
Hey Beauties,
So a lot of people have been asking why I feel the need to post so much of my life on the web and being the type of human that I am I figured I'd answer in the only way I know how.
I totally enjoy living my life for the world to see. It's not for attention, it's not for money, (even though that's a nice perk).. It's because I feel that with everything that life has thrown my way I have a voice and I truly feel that people can either learn from my mistakes or relate from some of my experiences.
I've learned so long ago that I am just not your average person. I mean I have two arms, a mouth, some legs and a brain, so in that sense I am just like everyone else. But the way I think is just so far from "NORMAL"!
Ok for starters I live in a fantasy bubble. I think my life should be like some sort of romantic fairytale. Like the whole rose pedals at my feet and candlelit dinners every month type thing.
Second I don't take anything for granted. Like Anything.
I have had numerous surgeries, I live with a genetic blood disorder which causes me to have blood Transfusions and IV iron infusions every few months, and I think growing up in foster care, being raped as a teen, and being molested as a child also should have made me a bitter betty; don't you think?
But it hasn't! My life hasn't broken me, hasn't made me hate being who I am, nor has it made me regret any of those experiences.
NO I don't need anyone's pity, and HELL NO those things should have never happened to me, or to anyone for that matter. But it has allowed me to be the woman I am today. I wear each and every experience as a badge of honor.
When I was younger I used to always lift me head to the sky and ask God "why me" and that answer came to me through my children. I am a mother of 3. One being a 12yrs old little girl that I cradle and protect ever single day from what the world has to offer. It allows me to be the mother to her that I never got an opportunity to know. I can relate to what she may feel and I can make damn sure that no one every hurts her the way I was hurt.
Let's be honest for a second
Foster children are known for repeating a lot of the cycles that they've witnessed throughout the years. Violence, Rape, Drug Abuse, Teen pregnancy and Suicides.
I've lived a life where I could have easily been a drug addict, a prostitute, or even have committed Suicide.
But having to burry a child at 15yrs old makes you look at life a little differently. I had to grow up fast, because I was put in a situation were adult decisions had to be made. There was no room for giving up! Only space for growth.
And that was my wake up call!
I needed to live to tell my story, I survived some unthinkable experiences so that I could break the cycle. My children have a mother who knows enough about life to not allow them to become victims. Who knows the type of love they need in order for them not to have to search for it outside of home. So many people live in silence and I guess everyone wonders why "I" chose not to....
Why should I have to pretend like I am perfect? Why should I pretend like life didn't deal me a bad hand?
The answer is I shouldn't.. NO one should.
My life has taught me to never make excuses because things truly aren't that bad.
My life has taught me to be grateful for every "Tomorrow".
My life has taught me the difference between bad and a leaning experience.
My life has taught me that I will always be a great mother, wife and person to every single person that comes encounter with me.
Because I am grateful & happy just to have BREATH!!
I embrace it!
This "Foster Girl" has a voice.
And I truly hope that someone learns from my experiences, speaks because they too have a voice, and lives life everyday; grateful to be alive.
I hope this answers the question everyone has been asking.
XOXO BrittanyAlissa
So a lot of people have been asking why I feel the need to post so much of my life on the web and being the type of human that I am I figured I'd answer in the only way I know how.
I totally enjoy living my life for the world to see. It's not for attention, it's not for money, (even though that's a nice perk).. It's because I feel that with everything that life has thrown my way I have a voice and I truly feel that people can either learn from my mistakes or relate from some of my experiences.
I've learned so long ago that I am just not your average person. I mean I have two arms, a mouth, some legs and a brain, so in that sense I am just like everyone else. But the way I think is just so far from "NORMAL"!
Ok for starters I live in a fantasy bubble. I think my life should be like some sort of romantic fairytale. Like the whole rose pedals at my feet and candlelit dinners every month type thing.
Second I don't take anything for granted. Like Anything.
I have had numerous surgeries, I live with a genetic blood disorder which causes me to have blood Transfusions and IV iron infusions every few months, and I think growing up in foster care, being raped as a teen, and being molested as a child also should have made me a bitter betty; don't you think?
But it hasn't! My life hasn't broken me, hasn't made me hate being who I am, nor has it made me regret any of those experiences.
NO I don't need anyone's pity, and HELL NO those things should have never happened to me, or to anyone for that matter. But it has allowed me to be the woman I am today. I wear each and every experience as a badge of honor.
When I was younger I used to always lift me head to the sky and ask God "why me" and that answer came to me through my children. I am a mother of 3. One being a 12yrs old little girl that I cradle and protect ever single day from what the world has to offer. It allows me to be the mother to her that I never got an opportunity to know. I can relate to what she may feel and I can make damn sure that no one every hurts her the way I was hurt.
Let's be honest for a second
Foster children are known for repeating a lot of the cycles that they've witnessed throughout the years. Violence, Rape, Drug Abuse, Teen pregnancy and Suicides.
I've lived a life where I could have easily been a drug addict, a prostitute, or even have committed Suicide.
But having to burry a child at 15yrs old makes you look at life a little differently. I had to grow up fast, because I was put in a situation were adult decisions had to be made. There was no room for giving up! Only space for growth.
And that was my wake up call!
I needed to live to tell my story, I survived some unthinkable experiences so that I could break the cycle. My children have a mother who knows enough about life to not allow them to become victims. Who knows the type of love they need in order for them not to have to search for it outside of home. So many people live in silence and I guess everyone wonders why "I" chose not to....
Why should I have to pretend like I am perfect? Why should I pretend like life didn't deal me a bad hand?
The answer is I shouldn't.. NO one should.
My life has taught me to never make excuses because things truly aren't that bad.
My life has taught me to be grateful for every "Tomorrow".
My life has taught me the difference between bad and a leaning experience.
My life has taught me that I will always be a great mother, wife and person to every single person that comes encounter with me.
Because I am grateful & happy just to have BREATH!!
I embrace it!
This "Foster Girl" has a voice.
And I truly hope that someone learns from my experiences, speaks because they too have a voice, and lives life everyday; grateful to be alive.
I hope this answers the question everyone has been asking.
XOXO BrittanyAlissa
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