It's VERY rare that I find myself inclined to speak about the world around us because I truly don't feel that my voice can make a difference. But at this point I can't sleep from all of the recent events that have been taking place so I came here to share my thoughts.
I have seen people get crucified for Hashtaging "ALL LIVES MATTER" because of the BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT but lets be realistic people all around the world people are getting killed for one reason or another.
The victims of 911 MATTER
Muslims lives MATTER
Black peoples lives MATTER
Black youth killing other youth MATTER
Individuals being killed for World Star Hip Hops recognition MATTER
The victims in Paris MATTER
The victims in Kenya MATTER
and now NICE......
As individuals we all have a voice and we all have an opinion, but NO ONE deserves to die at the hands of another. NO ONE deserves to sit at home wondering if their loved one will return. But unfortunately this is the world that we live in. This is the fear that the worlds events has plagued on our hearts and lives.
I am a mother to 3 Beautiful BLACK children. 2 of which are boys. But does gender even matter anymore? I have a caucasian niece and hispanic relatives, does that matter anymore? If you happen to take a trip overseas and a tragedy occurs does it matter that your skin was black, purple, blue or green? Or does it only matter that you happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I will not hashtag anything on my social media because I feel that it is pointless. It is pointless because I am tired of seeing death! I am tired of waking up and going to sleep to acts of terrorism, to robberies, to rapes, to murders, and to FEAR!
Can I say that I am not fearful of being BLACK? NO
Because I am fearful to just be alive and "black" is included in that.. But it doesn't matter my race, it doesn't matter that I am an educated woman, it doesn't matter that I am a mother, that I speak proper english, that I moved my children, my family from certain areas, that I don't have a criminal record. What matters is that at any given point for any given reason my life can be taken at the hands of someone else... BY ANYONE!
Right now Rihanna is in NICE and an act of terrorism just occurred. Do you think that her life will be forever changed? Ummm YES
Hello wake up people!
She went some place just to perform her music and now sits waiting just to find out if she will be able to catch a flight back to her friends and family. Point being that we truly aren't safe anywhere!
I wish that instead of hashtaging "BLACK LIVES MATTER we would hashtag STOP THE VIOLENCE AROUND THE WORLD. Or better yet "OUR" lives matter. Because the person typing that in their phones, on their computers or on their iPads MATTER.
I can't sleep because every single day something else is going wrong. I can't sleep because tomorrow another man will be without money and feel the need to rob, because another gangbanger will initiate another person to join, because another woman will kill her children or husband, because another man with commit an act of rage to his spouse, because people are in the streets homeless, because another state will be without water, because children in Africa will still be starving, because MY CHILDREN will still have to worry about what other parents teach their children and allow their children to bring to school.
The world around us is crumbling and its at the hand of "US"
Because each of us has a role to play in whats going on.. Just look in the mirror!
NO you can't control anyone else, but if that person controls themselves then we have a start.
In closing, do you truly think that all of the families having to burry their children, spouse or relative around the world care what hashtag is up today? Or do you think they just want all violence to stop? PERIOD?
We are the answer, we have the voice. STOP THE HEINOUS ACTS, STOP THE VIOLENCE!