So I've recently had the pleasure of working with Swim Classy which is a company that promotes positivity and the love yourself movement which I feel all women and people alike should stand by. I am a mom 3 beautiful children and I've spent a period of time were I haven't felt my sexist most confident self. With having had 4 C-Sections my skin wasn't and isn't perfect by any means and at times it has left me self conscious and feeling down about myself. Spending nights crying wasn't beneficial at all so I knew that I had to come up with a plan. After the birth of my last child I got diagnosed with Hypertention and before starting me on medication the Dr. decided that I would be a good candidate for the the "Dash Diet". I had never heard of such a thing and wasn't sure if I would be able to commit to something that was such a drastic change from my everyday life. Knowing that I was already uncomfortable with my imagine I figured it wouldn't hurt to give this diet a try. I started making healthier food choices and incorporated yoga and exercise for mental and physical overall health. It was difficult but with dedication and 100% commitment I was able to do it. I am no longer suffering from Hypertension and my body has changed in a great way. I still don't have abs and I probably never will but I am comfortable in my own skin and to me that's all that matters. I've always wanted my daughter to think of me as a woman she could look up to and now I can officially say that I am that person. I'm not perfect and neither is my body. But I am happy with the changes I've made. Love yourself NO matter what. And if you aren't comfortable with yourself try to find a way to get there, the ball is in your court.
I hope this touches someone and motivates them to Love themselves no matter what. And to make changes with the things they are uncomfortable with. XOXO BrittanyAlissa