I've been gone for so long it feels so good to put my fingers to the keyboard and be able to just type away. For those of you who are unaware of what's been going on with my health, keep reading because I will be explaining it in this post.
My Battle with Thalassemia
Since my son was born in 2008 I have been battling severe anemia. I've had numerous blood transfusions since and still no change. After a stay in the hospital my doctor finally decided refer me to an Hematologist which is a blood specialist. And finally after 5 long years and numerous test later I was finally diagnosed with Thalassemia.
Thalassemia is a blood disorder and honestly its been a day to day struggle in figuring out exactly what is going on with my own body... From what I understand it has something to do with my body not replacing blood the way it should.
Since the final diagnosis the Hematologist decided to put me threw a course of Iron transfusions to try to build me back so I could feel as normal as possible. The problem with that course a treatment is that Thalassemia has a history of causing what is know as Iron Overload... Which is pretty self explanatory but i'll go into detail a bit further..
Iron overload`is basically to much iron in the body which causes your liver to work in overtime and if it goes untreated may result in more serious health problems.. These problems include the heart and other organs. And may eventually turn fatal....
Ok so now that were past the scary part lets return to the story..
So I went threw a course of 14 iron transfusion treatments which were extremely scary. 3 days out of the week I was in a center that specializes in different intravenous treatments. To put it lightly I was down ,more days than I was up.
I ended up with a slight case of Iron Overload which resulted in heart palpitations, tiredness, fatigue, nausea, irritability and migraines. And when your a mom these types of problems become very overwhelming and heartbreaking to deal with.. At the present time I am awaiting a referral to the Cardiologist to undergo a few test with my heart and I guess once those treatments are done I'll know more about what the next course of treatment will be. I was told that I may have to go in once a month or every other month to have more Blood transfusions done, but that it still up int the air until Cardiology submits there findings (If Any)..
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