
Monday, April 28, 2014

Patterns in Relationships

Hey Beauties,
                So you all should know by now that if something relationship affiliated pops into my brain I have to come here and type away, so here goes.
Have you ever had this one person in your life that you ran back to despite all the heartache involved?
We'll if you haven't I have and I would like to share exactly what the experience has taught me.
The saying love has no limits is true to a fault. But love should have limits, and when you don't set boundaries you set yourself up for complete failure. We as humans adapt to our surroundings, we allow things to continue even when we know in our heart of hearts that we should just walk away. And why you may ask...
The answer is for fear of starting over.
Why leave a comfortable situation for the unknown?
The problem with this theory is that once patterns develop they become heard to break. The definition of insanity is doing things over and over again expecting to gain different results. So how can you expect the tears to stop, when you aren't doing anything to stop them from falling? I'll speak from experience and say that I stayed because I was in love. I cried thinking that the tears would soon turn into a life long smile. But what I didn't understand was that if it was meant to work it would have worked from the beginning. People change when they are ready and honestly there isn't any true way to know for sure if any changes will be made. We as people stay because we become hopeful. We put it in our minds that things will work out no matter how hard they were before. And once we hear what we want we almost always run back with open arms. I got so wrapped up in changing myself that I hadn't paid any attention to the other persons lack of progress. But it wasn't all their fault. I had fallen into the pattern of running away without ever truly expressing what the core of the problem was. I was expecting this person to change when I never stated the problem. Perhaps if I had opened up the lines of communication and expressed my unhappiness from the door, we would have never had a failed relationship to begin with.....
Now with that being said, there is also a flip side to that coin.
You may express your unhappiness and still never see change. Like I stated before, people only change when they are ready. So if that other person isn't ready, the unhappiness will remain.
This is why they are called patterns...........
We get hurt, we leave, we come back we cry and then do it all over again. But always remember that love isn't a one way street. But you can love someone completely and never have that love returned. That's just the risk we take in relationships.....
Its just so sad that we continue to stay knowing that there is a big possibility we'll be hurt again! There has to be a stop sign, a red flag , or a smoke signal that comes up when we are repeating this cycle..... Right? Wrong!
But when you finally become tired of the pattern, or the reoccurring cycle, your heart will allow you the
peace needed to walk away!

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