
Friday, January 4, 2013

Nick Minaj Inspired Hair

Hey Beauties,

            So my bestie/cousin decided that she wanted to try a new risky hair style. And who else to channel but Miss risky herself Nicki Minaj.. The whole style took about 3hrs to complete but it turned out great and she was very pleased with the outcome.
                                                    Enjoy the video.........

Zumba core workout and 2000 calorie diet Challenge

Hey Beauties,

  So that time of year has come around where everyone is making all of the resolutions that their sure break. And although this may seem like a resolution it definitely isn't one.
A few days before Christmas I got really really sick which lead to me being unable to keep food down. Well that little stint of sickness brought about a full on obsession with wanting to be a much healthier me.
So from then to now I have put myself on a strict 2000 calorie diet along with the Zumba core workout video challenge..
In the past 2 weeks I have lost a total of 3lbs and I couldn't be happier with the success so far.
My diet consist of fruits, water and one solid meal for the day... It goes as follows

A yogurt or piece of fruit for breakfast
A fruit for lunch
and a salad for my one meal..
                                                                  I am used to eating out almost every single night so as you all can imagine it has been challenging, my children are still requesting TGI Friday's and The Cheesecake Factory which makes it all that more difficult to stick to my regimen.. All and all I haven't cheated and for that I am proud...  Here are 2 of the latest video's surrounding my 30 day challenge. I hope you all enjoy